Latest News

  • Private Garden Party
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 23 Jul 2024
    The Danetre Ukulele Orchestra recently played at a private garden party and we were well received.  "Thank you for your excellent performance on Sunday last – we all enjoyed it immensely and it has been the talk of the village since. In particular the Ukrainian content went down so well. Thank you."
  • Dav Motor Fest
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 23 May 2024

    Get your motors running!

    The Danetre Ukulele Orchestra recently performed at the Daventry Motor Fest at The Hollow in Daventry. We were provided with the ideal location under the shade of the trees, and many visitors to the show stopped by for a listen. We couldn't resist including some motor themed songs from our extensive repertoire. 
  • Food Bank visit
  •  Date Posted: Wed, 1 May 2024
    The Danetre Ukulele Orchestra were recently pleased to welcome representatives from the Daventry Food Bank to their weekly club evening. Angela briefly explained how the Food Bank works and Carolyn read a poem she had written from some of the comments made by those receiving food parcels. No one wants to be in this position and in 2024 no one should be. 
    The members of the Danetre Ukulele Orchestra presented four very large overfilled boxes, consisting of the items they have recently collected for donating to the Food Bank, to Angela and Carolyn. 
    The Daventry Food Bank is the Orchestra's nominated charity for 2024. 
  • Gig at Daventry Volunteer Centre
  •  Date Posted: Wed, 1 May 2024
    A small group of members of Danetre Ukulele Orchestra recently played for the weekly pensioners lunch. Everyone seemed to have a good time!

  • Easter Market 06-07-24
  •  Date Posted: Wed, 10 Apr 2024

    Open this attachment to see a video of Danetre Ukulele Orchestra playing in the High Street on 6th April 2024 at the Daventry Town Council's Easter Market. 
  • Charity for 2024 - Daventry Food Bank
  •  Date Posted: Fri, 15 Mar 2024
    This year the members of the Danetre Ukulele Orchestra have voted to support the Daventry Food Bank with a contribution from the donations raised from their performances in 2024.

    The Orchestra wanted to support, once again, a local charity. During April the members will be invited to contribute items on the urgent list, for representatives from the Food Bank to collect and distribute.

    The Treasurer of DUO said: We are pleased to support the valuable work of our local Food Bank. 

  • Visit to local care home
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 14 Mar 2024

    The Danetre Ukulele Orchestra were privileged to perform once again at a local care home and their events organiser sent us this appreciative comment. 

    Thank you sooo........much for another lovely time had by all. Our residents really love to see you guys. I'm sure it does them the world of good - they were still talking about it when I left.

    It was the second outing of our new 2024 gig book and it went really well. 

  • Donations to local charities
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 27 Feb 2024
    On 20th February 2024 Danetre Ukulele Orchestra welcomed representatives from Daventry DemCafe and the Daventry Branch of Guide Dogs for the Blind. The Orchestra donate a substantial proportion of the donations they receive for their gig perfomances during the year.  

    For 2023 the Orchestra voted to have two local charities - Daventry DemCafe and the Daventry Branch of Guide Dogs for the Blind. Cheques were presented to Mary and Brenda from the Demcafe and Rachael accompanied by Jack her faithful guide dog and her Mum, Jackie from the Daventry Branch of the Guide Dogs for the Blind.

    Both charities explained to the Orchestra how these donations would be used and expressed their thanks.

    One of our members even thought to bring along some doggie treats for Jack!

    After the presentations the representatives stayed to join in with the songs at our rehearsal which followed. 

  • 5th AGM
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 27 Feb 2024
    Danetre Ukulele Orchestra held their 5th AGM in February at which the exisiting committee were re-elected. The meeting was attended by all the members who continued with their usual club evening afterwards. 
  • Pike and Eel gig
  •  Date Posted: Sat, 16 Dec 2023
    The Danetre Ukulele Orchestra's recent performance at the Pike and Eel featured Christmas songs and some old favourites from our extensive repertoire. We finished with a rousing rendition of Fairytale of New York accompanied by the audience.

    Audience member, Paul, said we were great! Come again soon. It is nice to have live music. 
  • Christmas Gig at Daventry Dementia Cafe
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 30 Nov 2023
    The Danetre Ukulele Orchestra were delighted to perform at an early Christmas Party held by the Daventry Dementia Cafe this week. The Dem Cafe is one of two charities that the Orchestra are raising funds for this year through the donations received for their performances. A good time was had by all with many members of the audience getting up and dancing and singing along to the numbers performed by the Orchestra, who performed one set of usual music and then did a quick gear change into Christmas jumpers and hats for the second set (after mince pies) of Christmas music. 
    The Danetre Ukulele Orchestra were given an open invitation to return again soon and entertain the carers and those they care for. 
    The Chaiman of the Orchestra said "This was a great start to our Christmas gigs schedule. 
  • Fifth Anniversary present
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 16 Nov 2023
    At our club evening on 14-11-2023 every member was presented with a Club logo-ed water bottle, individually named to go with our logo-ed baseball caps, T shirts and fleeces. There will be no way of mistaking who we are!
  • It's Christmas
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 9 Nov 2023
    Here at Danetre Ukulele Orchestra we are rehearsing for all our Christmas performances as listed in our Events column. Some of these events are open to the public so do come along and see us. 

    We are rehearsing some of our old favourites, some new ones and some familiar ones that you will know too; not all of them perhaps with the tune you are expecting.

    We have just completed a recording to be submitted to a national radio station's Christmas competition. See the link at the end to hear us.
    Composers: Chaz de-Whalley and Andy Piercy

    And we will finish the year wih a Club evening Christmas party.

    Happy Christmas everyone and a peaceful New Year from all of us at Danetre Ukulele Orchestra. 
  • Our Charities for 2023
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 9 Nov 2023
    Danetre Ukulele Orchestra have been busy throughout 2023 raising funds through our gigs, for two very worthwhile local charities voted for by our members. These are Daventry Dementia Cafe and Daventry and District Guide Dog Fund Raising Group. We will be presenting cheques to these two charities early in 2024 and vote for a new charity for 2024.
  • Fifth Anniversary
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 9 Nov 2023
    Danetre Ukulele Orchestra celebrated their fifth anniversary in October 2023. The Club was formed in 2018 with thirteen founder members. Currently we have twenty five members and our Chairman is always pleased to hear from anybody interested on joining us at:
  • Donation to Pete Spencer's Helping Hands Memorial Fund
  •  Date Posted: Wed, 1 Mar 2023
    Early in the New Year Ian Spencer attended a Danetre Ukulele Orchestra club evening to receive a cheque for his father's memorial fund. The Orchestra had raised this from donations made during 2022 for their gig performances. Ian gave a brief talk about those who had benefited from the Charity's work. Our Treasurer, Angela Squire presented Ian with the cheque.

Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2024 Danetre Ukulele Orchestra